Bermuda Triangle
today's story I read in English is a book about mysterious sightings and weird things that have happened in places. There were various of places that creepy things have happened and might still be happening to this day?!
The story I chose to share is about the Bermuda Triangle.
The Bermuda Triangle is is the Atlantic ocean, the places that form the triangle are - Bermuda, Puertorico , and Miami Florida.
The Bermuda Triangle isn't an ordinary place. Mysterious things happen there such as, planes flying through the Triangle just disappear, never to be seen again. BUT the ones that are found everyone on the planes were missing and were never heard from again.
That's not all boats that sailed through were dragged under water and everyone one the boat also disappeared, years later one of the boats were found washed up on a beach with no wreckage no people nothing.
That's only two of the mysteries that have happened there but there could be more....