
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Explanation Writing!

Explanation Writing.

Kia Ora everyone, this post is all about my new piece of explanation Writing, The piece of explanation writing i did was on Anxiety.

What gave me the idea on writing about anxiety, is that ive experienced anxiety myself, so it gave me the idea to write about it.
because not everyone exactly knows what anxiety is, but this piece of writing will help you learn alot more or learn about anxiety. 

Well enough of the introduction lets read the explanation.

What Is Anxiety?

Are you confused or asking yourself, do I have anxiety or what even is anxiety.
This explanation is all about, what triggers anxiety, signs of Anxiety, and what anxiety actually is. Do you wanna know more we'll keep reading and you will find out everything.

What Trigger Anxiety-
To trigger anxiety, you will just be sitting there or doing whatever you're doing and be thinking about something you are very worried about and you start to get more and more worried to the point where you can't stop thinking about it, and you start to have a huge panic attack.
Or you could even be thinking about something that has happened in the past that freaked you out and in that point you can also get a huge panic attack.

Signs you are going through Anxiety-
The most common sign of someone going through Anxiety is- Constant panic attacks
Going through anxiety you can even try to avoid all people ( Family, Friends )
With most people they are always stressed sad and more. So they are very (Emotional)
-You can also go through, headaches, always getting tension in the mussels and insomnia (Insomnia is when you struggle to sleep and when you wake up through the night it will take you a it to fall asleep again)
Pounding heart -when your worrying or something and your heart will start racing.
Sweating -you will start to get flushed and sweat.
Headaches -It won't just be a normal headache it will feel at least 3-2 times worst
Stomach upset -always randomly getting an upset stomach
Dizziness - random times when you start to feel dizzy
Frequent urination or diarrhea -needing to go to the toilet more then at least 6 times a day
Shortness of breath -you don't need to have asthma for this part, you could just again randomly get shortness of breath when your starting to worry
Muscle tension or twitches -some days you can wake up with very sore muscles or just through the day your muscles will start to get sore or have lots of twitching muscles.

How to calm down when your going through Anxiety-
When you start to worry the one first thing I did was say to myself I'm ok, I'm ok, and I just kept repeating that multiples times in my head.
If that didn't work for you try to get someone to talk to you about completely different subjects to keep your mind off what your worrying about.
If none of those work u can try to lay down relax, colour in or even draw.
Talk to someone about what your going through.
Even try breathing exercises, so when your feeling real stressed/worried, make a breathing exercise. A good one is to first try and get your breathing controlled again, then slowly start to breath in and out slowly. Start to do that up to 1-2 minutes or until you've got everything under control again.

What Anxiety actually is-
First things first anxiety is the most common mental health disorder.
But it's not just that it’s where you will worry a lot.
Anxiety can interfere with your daily life, because all your focusing on is what worries you, and most probably worry about when you start to panic again due to you thinking constantly about what worries you.
It's also a general term for several disorders that cause, fear, nervousness, worrying, and apprehension.
These can all effect on how you behave, and how you feel. All of this can also cause physical symptoms.
This usually affects young adults, and more women than men.
Anxiety is also known as chronic stress.

Overall anyone can get anxiety, it just all depends on your mind!

My Personal comments-

Something I did well: I think I did pretty well on explaining anxiety

Something I need to improve - I don't know.

What I learned from this assignment - that anxiety is the most common mental health disorder and it mostly affects women more than men.

Comment from my partner:
I love what you ahev done and how much info you have put in. you have done such a great job. Keep up the good work!