
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Kowhatu Toi

Part 2 of Kowhatu Toi

Through out this week we finally started to paint on our rocks,
We are painting 3 rocks so we are giving them to 3 people for a gift the three people i'm giving my stones to once I finish them is.
  • My Koro 
  • My Mum and my step dad Mick (I'm giving one to both of them to share)
  • My Dad and Sarah (I'm giving one to both of them to share as well)
Here are pictures of my stones!

This is all three of them now I'm going to show use which one is going to Who

This one is going to my Koro 

This one is going to my Dad and sarah

And this one goes to my Mum and my step dad Mick
( It sort of looks like an Easter egg because of the shape of the rock LOL)

So those were all of my rocks Hope you like them.
But I still need to finish painting my other 2 rocks that are going to, My mum, my step dad Mick and My Dad and Sarah.
But I should at least finish one of them today when we start Painting :)
And I still have Tomorrow to finish to.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Kowhatu Toi

Stone Art!

For the past week so far, the year 7's and year 8's have been doing an arts Kete.
I got put in stone art (because I wasn't at school when we got to choose what we wanted to be in but that's ok).
Yesterday in stone art I Learn't about the Puhoro ,and the MangoPare (MangoPare  represents the Hammer Head Shark).
Here's some photos I got of me drawing the Puhoro, Mangopare, RitoRito, The Koru, and the Niho Taniwha, 

Hope you like them.   

Here's the Koru art
I like the top left side of the koru design I drew. I am very proud of it!.

another drawing i done with Koru's
I'm proud of myself for this one. It looks pretty cool!.

The Niho Taniwha
I think I could do better next time. 

Here's the Mangopare
I sort of stuffed up but its not bad for my first time drawing this form.

Here's RitoRito
(The RitoRito in this picture is the type of triangles in the spiral).
pretty COOL I done well for this one!

Last but not least the Puhoro
Not exact what it looks like but I think i was close.

Whea Mel gave us Work books so me and the rest of the group who is also in stone art can do all this practicing of the art we want to do on the Stones. ;)

So far I think there pretty good this is all to practice for before we start drawing what Maori form drawings on the stones ( that we want to draw ).
If you think my drawings are pretty good thank you. I think I could do better when I practice them more but I should be good maybe, maybe not who knows until I have finished what I decide to draw on my stones. :)

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Musical voices/Dancing!!!


-How many people to create the performance (obviously, today we got 3 people for our performance)
-A song
-A dancer ( anyone in your team just one dancer )
-A place to perform (such as outside, inside or just anywhere)

1-Find out the science in music!
2- Go around YouTube (look for a song to perform to)
3- Once you have found a song, learn the lyrics and the person dancing to make the dance.
4 -Make up a dance of your own
5- Once u done all that practice a couple more times so u make sure u wont stuff up during your performance ( that would be embarrassing its happened to me and summer lol) 
6-  Get an audience

1- Find A song to sing to /make a dance to.
2- Practice a couple of times to get the performance great

Thursday, October 19, 2017

What Is A Limerick Poem?


Hey Guys me and my class have made a D.L.O on Limerick Poem.
On this Presentation me and summer have Collaborated and worked together.
If u don't know what a Limerick Poem is this presentation is great for you,
And if u do know what a Limerick poem is Then read some Limerick poems me and summer Have created.


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

How far can germs spread when you Sneeze


1 -  Lay the paper out in a straight line as far as 5 meters. 
2 - Get Plastic cup and full it with as much as water as 100 ml.
3-  Then put as much as 10 drops of food colouring in the cup of water. 
4 - Then put some coloured water in your mouth ( DO NOT SWALLOW ).
5-  Then spit SOME of the water ( NOT ALL OF IT ).
6- Then take a tissue and roll a small corner, then stick up your nose till you sneeze. 
7- If you don't sneeze then pretend to sneeze, spitting the water out. 
8- When sneezing remember to look ahead of you. 
9- Measure how far you sneeze, Mark your name where you sneeze. 

Equipment :

Food colouring ( Blue, Red, Purple, Pink, yellow, Green ) 
butcher paper 
Plastic cups 


So sadly I did not do this experiment because i was sick but here are some videos of  my friends doing it.

This is Kasey

There is nothing like a loud sneeze to scare a friend,
just hope that you caught your sneeze in your elbow or a tissue (but if u do sneeze in your elbow or a tissue germs are still spread)

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Commenting like a Super Star


Thursday, August 10, 2017

D.L.O Hauora


Welcome back to my blog and welcome to a  new post today I am sharing a D.L.O based on Hauora.
All the four dimensions in Hauora connect the four dimensions are......
You will find out in the slide see you soon.

Comment bellow and tell me What you think bye.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

How To Be Safe In SCIENCE!

Set Your Self On Fire!

Aim: I want to find out how to be safe in science

Equipment List:

Safety Glasses



  1. Get A Bucket
  2. Put In A Good Squirt Of Detergent
  3. Fill The Bucket Half Way With cold water
  4. put your safety glasses on, If You Got Long Hair Tie It Up-Pull Up Your Sleeves
  5. Take Your Loose Clothing Off(if you are wearing loose clothing, if you are wearing a skirt you are all good)
  6. Connect a tube up to the gas tap and then put the other end into the water
  7. Turn On the gas and make some bubbles
  8. Wet your hands and your wrists up to your elbows (with water)
  9. Get a scoop of bubbles
  10. hold the bubbles away from you face

      11.light the bottom of the bubbles in your hand with a lighter
      12.slowly open your hands (to make the fire disappear)


I rolled Up My sleeves because if I didn't I would Burn myself and get scarred for life.  Also If you didn't roll Up your sleeves and fire gets on the material your wearing will melt onto you and yet again scarred for life. SO BE CAREFUL!!!


A flame goes up because the denser surrounding air pushes it up. A flame consists of gases so hot they glow yellow, orange, and red. Hot gases expand and become less dense than the surrounding air. Therefore, the flame is lighter than an equal volume of air.
All I could smell is Gas.
All I could see was Flames rushing up in the air.
All I could feel was heat and excitement.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Hornby High School

2017 At Hornby High School!
Today I am sharing with all of use Stuff I have enjoyed, been Challenged by, ETC (at Hornby High)
Hope You enjoy and see you soon BYE.

If you enjoyed Comment Bellow.